Well ive finished Exams now so it is officially Summer now...
today i did something most productive...
I rearanged my room! Now i got much more space to do roly-poly's on floor and a great view when im spinning, out the winda!
I would show you the view...but the sky is kinda gloomy...
maybe when the hot weather comes back.
Need to carry out my SummerBurn Cd soon. For those who aret educated in this department it is just a challenge that over 1500 random people do. They create one cd and send it to anywhere in the world! amazing!
So i gotta send a disc to America this year, last year it was New Zealand...wont cost more than £3 for all those who are thinking "whats the point, it will cost ya £30!". Whatsmore is that i get a cd in return from another random person! happy days...
This week plans to be good as its home to lie in's and lotsa mail. I love gettin mail.
I got 2 tshirts thru today, a cheque for my thigh pad and a letter from my auntie! i feel popular..
2moro gonna go round matt's after his sociology exam to make Miss Williams pressie! Gonna be a collage...just hope miss williams dont read this...funny if she did tho...
Btw, my viewing stat's are going up as a result of the new look!
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