
Monday, February 28, 2005

Singin' in the Rain - Mint Royale

tennis on that big dubai hotel shaped like a sail, crazy? yes, fun if someone falls off? yes.

kinda had problems with the blog at the moment, hit counter being up ^ somewhere and links arent workin in Internet explorer....shall be sorted in time.

i had an above average weekend and now find myslf at the comp on a monday evening, bored. this shouldnt be so, im never bored! im sure ill find something to keep me satisfied....

news on my ear: no more operations!!!!! wooo....conclusion from my last op wasnt good tho.
i COULD have been deaf if it wasnt treated within 2 weeks, which could result in even more damge in the ear which would possibly give me a brain haemorrage....shit.
but im contemplating a hearign aid at the mo....costs a grand tho...

driving test in 2 weeks....

take it easy

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