Well a rathe rlazy week has ked me to start gettin up earlier in mornings...
Altho, i have noticed something.
I wake up first at about 8am (school time) then go back to bed.
Then wake up again at about 11-12ish. Shcokin.

This week i have been organsing titfest somemore with my friends.
Happy days.
I also tried to sell my firends on ebay.
Ive been barbequeing a lot recently, and am gettin great at it!
Barbeque at mine on Tuesday.
Beer, Burgers and....Blokes?
Well a rathe rlazy week has ked me to start gettin up earlier in mornings...
Altho, i have noticed something.
I wake up first at about 8am (school time) then go back to bed.
Then wake up again at about 11-12ish. Shcokin.

Happy days.
I also tried to sell my firends on ebay.
Ive been barbequeing a lot recently, and am gettin great at it!
Barbeque at mine on Tuesday.
Beer, Burgers and....Blokes?
OLA.....swer ]gr Grrrr
Yh..that sarah..fridy..fwar! MMMM!
Hell yh!
miss x matt.
yeh, she'll do matt.
she'll do...
Yes...god...Miss X..WoOoOo! You tell teddy Miranda!? Also..tim..view your ebay feedback..HA!!!!
lol have done.
i just bought a tent too!
its yellow!
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