
The pressure is on: The last couple of days infact pretty much the whole last week is gettin to me, dont need none of nothing.
Having bit of trouble looking for cars, found an absolute peach of a Saxo the other day but tis gone now and all they had was a 8 year old Seat Ibiz aso i wa slike "well fuck that". Found out that my insurance will rocket up to as high as 1800 if i dont do pass plus.
Had a football game on the sunday and we "won" that whcih was nice. Scored a couple too. I drove too!!!!! got cut up on roundabout by a spanish lorry liscence plate 'SN- 45 - GHK. That pissed me off.
Listening to alot of random tunes recently to comfort me. Ranging from Backstreet Boys: As Long as you love me to Elvis: Teddy Bear. OHHH and Mylo's album 'destroy rock n roll' which sounds awesome still.

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